Health and Safety Policy

Neptune Asia Services Sdn Bhd is committed to providing, maintaining and continually improving the health, safety and welfare of all its employees, guests, members of the public, contractor and all other persons likely to be affected by its operations and activities.

Our statement of general policy is:

  1. To provided adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities.

  2. To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety.

  3. To provided information, instruction and supervision for employees.

  4. To ensure all employees are competent to do their task and to give them adequate training.

  5. To maintain safe and healthy working conditions.

  6. To prevent accidents, injuries and cases or work-related ill health.

  7. To comply with all applicable legislation and other requirements to which the company subscribes in relation to its occupational health and safety hazards.

  8. To establish, implement and maintain documented Occupation Safety and Health management and performance.

  9. To review and revise this Policy as necessary to ensure its continued suitability.

Neptune Asia Services shall establish, implement and maintain a health and safety management system. It is the duty of all person(s) working for or on behalf of Neptune Asia Services to conform to the policy, safety training, instruction given and safe codes of practive and to accept and carry out their responsibilities with regard to health and safety, as set out in this policy document. This policy is communicated to all person(s) working for or on behalf of Neptune Asia Services and available to all interested parties upon request.

This policy last updated and approved on 01-11-2018